Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Soy Milk, Not Just a Drink But Also Drugs

Long time no update was
missed. Now I will give a drink
of drinks writing a simple but
remarkable benefits, ie drink
soy milk. Soybean not only can
be used as material for tofu
and tempeh only. But many
processed into other products,
one of which is milk. Milk is
synonymous with a refreshing
drink and also healthy.
So also
with soy milk. Beside rich in
protein, it is still a lot of other
content-content in soy that
are beneficial to the health of
our bodies. The contents are,
among others, could be
trusted to deal with uric acid,
rheumatism, and fatigue.
Isoflavones present in soy
could increase the content of
the transporter molecules, so
that some free estrogen
binding to tissue can be
decreased. The number of
such compounds in soy is also
beneficial to affect the
stability level of uric acid in
the blood. For bone health,
from the research results is
also known that soy protein
containing isoflavones gives a
very good effect in inhibiting
bone resorpasi than protein
without isoflavones. Calcium
content helps increase bone
density and simultaneously
also reinforcing. Even for
women who will enter
menopause (the end of
fertility), intake of isoflavones
in good and regular sympaton
believed to reduce
menopause. The next effect is
the loss of sympaton fatigue
(feeling tired).

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